Friday 21 February 2014

Thought for the week Second Sunday Before Lent

My exercise teacher constantly reminds us to breathe and be present. He says, "For the next hour, you are here, on this mat." It takes more concentration than I possess to quiet my mind. It's easy for me to dwell in the past or project into the future, meanwhile missing my life which is going on right now. Jesus tells us not to be anxious. He commands us not to be afraid more times in Scripture than any other mandate, so he obviously knows our penchant for worry. Worry is a coping mechanism for a control freak, a misguided notion that if we give something enough energy, we can affect the outcome. Not so. Our worry is indicative of a lack of trust. The only solution is to remember that perfect love casts out fear. Stop worrying and trust. Be present and allow God to move on your behalf.
Kristin Armstrong

Thursday 30 January 2014

Thought for the Week Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Waiting for fulfillment of a promise,
Waiting to see the longed-for light,
Waiting in devotion of a lifetime,
Simeon, trusting God to keep his word.
Ready for the prompting of the Spirit,
Ready for the revelation joy
Mixed with cross-shaped shadows of
the future,
Simeon, holding Mary’s God-filled boy.
Daphne Kitching

Friday 24 January 2014

Thought for the Week The Conversion of St Paul

Light broke in suddenly,
shattering my pride,
expanding my mind
and splintering into shards
my heart.
'Why kick and wound
like a frightened child?
Release yourself to me;
know me, honour me;
I am Jesus, I am God's Word.'
Then I was led,
where once I led;
blindness caused my fall.
My eyes were opened to Light
and the gift of life!

Friday 17 January 2014

Thought for the Week 3rd Week of Epiphany

The Word of God
It teaches,Encourages,
Holds out hope
And shines light
When days are dark
And the way unclear.
It guides,
Speaks life and power
As it has,
As it will
God’s word,
Pointing always
To the one who
Was in the beginning,
Co- author, co-creator,
Walking word,
Living word,
Daphne Kitching

Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Donkey's return

Paul returned from University and so did the Donkey.
He made his first return in the advent crib. Many saw the crib in church but not the three wise donkeys making there way across the church.
The crib was just 24hrs old when it was displayed

 Paul was very kind to Jenny at the Donkeys second appearance at the Nativity service. Paul thoughtfully put out a copy of the Nativity sheet on the pulpit for Jenny.
This was not quite the same as the copies held by the rest of the congregation. All the music was changed to Jenny's favourite Little Donkey with a few little known versions of other traditional carols such as Silent Donkey Holy Donkey.
There were many such changes to Jenny's sheet. Fortunately Jenny spotted Pauls name on the sheet in time.

The Donkey made his last appearance on  Christmas day in the Sermon slot starring as himself in the form this time of a glove puppet in the crossing.
We we very proud to see that one of the other little girls in the sermon slot came dressed as a Donkey. Such is the effect of the Donkey.

Thought for the week First week of Christmas

Lovely in your littleness,
longing for our lowliness,
searching for our meekness…..
Held in Mary's tenderness,
tiny hands are raised to bless,
touching us with God's caress.
Joy then in God's graciousness,
peace comes with gentleness,
filling hearts with gladness.
Margaret Rizza

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Thought for the Week Christmas Eve

At this time of the year I am often reminded of the words from the sermon given at the end of that wonderful 1940’s Hollywood movie called The Bishop’s Wife. 
Dudley, who is played by Cary Grant is an Angel who has been assigned to Bishop Henry Brougham, played by David Niven. His task is to assist Henry by answering his prayer for help. Amongst the many things that he does, including using a wonderful word processor is that Dudley re-writes the Bishop’s Christmas Eve sermon. 
“Tonight I want to tell you the story of an empty stocking. Once upon a midnight clear, there was a child's cry. A blazing star hung over a stable and wise men came with birthday gifts. We haven't forgotten that night down the centuries; we celebrate it with stars on Christmas trees, the sound of bells and with gifts. But especially with gifts. You give me a book; I give you a tie. Aunt Martha has always wanted an orange squeezer, and Uncle Henry could do with a new pipe. We forget nobody, adult or child. All the stockings are filled -- all that is, except one. And we have even forgotten to hang it up. The stocking for the child born in a manger. It's his birthday we are celebrating. Don't ever let us forget that. Let us ask ourselves what he would wish for most, and then let each put in his share. Loving kindness, warm hearts and the stretched out hand of tolerance. All the shining gifts that make peace on earth.”
A Happy Christmas to one and all.