Friday, 27 September 2013

Thought for the Week 29th September Michael and All Angels


Angels in Bible stories.
Angels in and out of our lives.
Michael: defeater of dragons, destroyer of evil.
Raphael: matchmaker, healer, traveller.
Gabriel: messenger, teller of truth.
And another name, Lucifer,
the brilliant one, who fell from the heavens,
the son of the morning,
the star of the dawn.
Angels whose names are not known to us:
making Sarah laugh, and Jacob limp,
and Balaam tremble;
letting Peter out of prison,
advising Paul.
Questioning angels and challenging angels,
guardian angels who cradle little ones,
angels who see travellers safely home
and safeguard stumbling feet.
Angels all around us.
God’s confidantes,
God’s messengers.
full of truth
and full of glory,
bright with joy.
Ruth Burgess

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Thought for the week Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity

At the Hermit's Cell
A prayer used on pilgrimage at the site of the Hermit's Cell on Iona.
Now, O Lord, calm me into a quietness
that heals and listens,
that moulds my longings and passions,
my wounds and wonderings
into a more holy, human shape.
In the silence let me listen
and hear the truth you have put in me;
trust the love you have for me
which you call me to live out
with all my sisters and brothers
in your human family.