Friday, 21 February 2014

Thought for the week Second Sunday Before Lent

My exercise teacher constantly reminds us to breathe and be present. He says, "For the next hour, you are here, on this mat." It takes more concentration than I possess to quiet my mind. It's easy for me to dwell in the past or project into the future, meanwhile missing my life which is going on right now. Jesus tells us not to be anxious. He commands us not to be afraid more times in Scripture than any other mandate, so he obviously knows our penchant for worry. Worry is a coping mechanism for a control freak, a misguided notion that if we give something enough energy, we can affect the outcome. Not so. Our worry is indicative of a lack of trust. The only solution is to remember that perfect love casts out fear. Stop worrying and trust. Be present and allow God to move on your behalf.
Kristin Armstrong

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Thought for the Week Presentation of Christ in the Temple

Waiting for fulfillment of a promise,
Waiting to see the longed-for light,
Waiting in devotion of a lifetime,
Simeon, trusting God to keep his word.
Ready for the prompting of the Spirit,
Ready for the revelation joy
Mixed with cross-shaped shadows of
the future,
Simeon, holding Mary’s God-filled boy.
Daphne Kitching

Friday, 24 January 2014

Thought for the Week The Conversion of St Paul

Light broke in suddenly,
shattering my pride,
expanding my mind
and splintering into shards
my heart.
'Why kick and wound
like a frightened child?
Release yourself to me;
know me, honour me;
I am Jesus, I am God's Word.'
Then I was led,
where once I led;
blindness caused my fall.
My eyes were opened to Light
and the gift of life!

Friday, 17 January 2014

Thought for the Week 3rd Week of Epiphany

The Word of God
It teaches,Encourages,
Holds out hope
And shines light
When days are dark
And the way unclear.
It guides,
Speaks life and power
As it has,
As it will
God’s word,
Pointing always
To the one who
Was in the beginning,
Co- author, co-creator,
Walking word,
Living word,
Daphne Kitching