Saturday 23 March 2013

Thought for the week Palm Sunday

Partisan God, taking sides with life against death; conqueror on the back of a donkey, you carry with you the expectations of the centuries. You are shoot of Jesse, descendent of David, offspring of Moabite Ruth gleaning in alien corn. You are master carpenter, compassionate healer. You are the one we are waiting for. Christ of vinegar and gall, Help us to learn to die in free from fear. Show us the lengths to which God's love will go. Save us from our godless self-contempt. Reawaken in us the song of protest. Remind us that our sisters and brothers starve. Enable us to comfort the empty and feed the hungry. Call us to release the captives waiting in hope, and through your costly love bring us to a deeper understanding of the meaning of suffering. Holy Spirit of struggle, As we grapple with your struggle and ours, 'as blind we sit in the tomb you raised us from' grant us your blessing.
Kate McIlhagga
quote Gerard Manley Hopkins

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