Thursday 26 January 2012


Each day life presents us with little problems or challenges. Some are major most are very minor. The choices we make affect the people around us.Today I have to write the web pages for next week.

Our sister church in the Parish celebrates its Patronal Festival - St Pauls. It is also Epiphany 4. Which do I use? Its such a minor decision, yet can the choice I make affect others lives?

Of those that read the web site, who might find the story of St Paul a turning point in there lives. Equally a thought or a passage from Epiphany might make the difference. Should I do both and then find neither gets read.

I can only make a choice for me, how it affects others I cannot know. Yet in the choices we make in all our life, we affet not just ourselves but all the others around us. Making the right choice, helps not us, but helps all those who interact with us.

Years ago that would have only been the people that we met that day, but nowadays with blogs and other forms of social media , maybe what I write can affexct many others whom I will never meet and never share a conversation.

Today you will meet many choices - most will pass you by. But occasionally, a choice might be important enough to not change your life, but by you action might change the life of another. So as you go about your day, think of all the choices that you make, and which choices could make all the difference.

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